Hello! My name is Chaz Louviere and I am a software developer with over 9 years of experience in web development. I have worked for Cherokee Nations Technologies in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey to produce and maintain several frontend and backend systems for the Wetland and Aquatic Research Center primarily through the use of C# and the .Net framework.
I also maintain several projects on my personal Github account.Professional Work
PAIR Imatch to ASP.NET MVC Conversion — Lead Programmer
Conversion of marine life image tagging IMatch database software to web-based
ASP.NET MVC application using .Net, Javascript, and Bootstrap.
CIMS Spatial Map Viewer — Programmer
Manage and implement ESRI/Arcgis based map layers for the CIMS Spatial Map Viewer
project using Javascript and ASP.NET MVC.
CIMS Parish Factsheets — Programmer
Developed ASP.NET Web Forms to dynamically display applicable project information
on a per parish basis for the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority.
CIMS GIS Automated Process — Programmer
Maintain the C# based CIMS GIS Automated Process project which handles the
conversion of scientific field data for various web applications throughout WARC.
Hobby Projects
NimPaper — Lead Programmer
Implemented an application that sends a configurable selection of RSS feeds daily to
the user’s email inbox utilizing the Nim programming language.
From Doom With Love — Lead Programmer
Currently maintain a fork of DSDA-Doom, a sourceport of the 1993 video game Doom. It features several accessibility and quality of life additions.